All-in-one service: from collection to reporting

We make it very easy for our customers to take steps in the field of CSR. With our all-in-one services, we take all the worries off our customer’s hands, making it easy to do sustainable and circular business together. All you have to do is call us. How can we help you?

Lifecycle services

At SNEW we want to make circular business as accessible as possible for you. That is why we have our own collection service, which can collect used equipment from you. That equipment then goes through our circular process, where we will extend its lifecycle as much as possible. For all used equipment that you offer to SNEW – and which is still valuable to us – you will receive a fair price. You will even earn something from equipment that has already been fully depreciated. With SNEW, sustainable entrepreneurship is not that difficult. You will receive a report of all equipment that we refurbish or recycle for you.

SNEW can also maintain equipment that is no longer supported by the manufacturer. In this way, we have ensured for customers that their telephone exchange, which was technically still in perfect working order, did not need to be replaced after just a few years. We can also save substantial investments for you. And by using equipment longer, you immediately act more responsibly.

We can also help you with assembling and dismantling of your workstations, logistic support, storage or project and strategy support.

Environmentally responsible recycling

Parts that we cannot reuse are recycled responsibly with the aim of recovering as much of the raw materials as possible. We arrange the environmentally responsible processing of electrical and electronic waste (EEA). This makes taking the next step in the circular field very easy.


We are happy to assist you with questions and requests about our services.

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